Thursday, December 23, 2010

Breath Control

"Vulnerability is a birthplace."
~Brené Brown

Impulsive hatred, please find patience.

Wait for the moment of clarity & let flowers bloom.

Being sensitive to the sensitivities.

Breathing with intention, pull light and experience within.

We are young like children, developing through time.

All managing the flows in life...

Material - spiritual - self - body health - wealth - connections - social recognitions.

Mismatched energies, we still search for love.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A face addressed

I threw myself into the fire. The world here digesting layers I needed to shed.

Facing deamons I feel isolated by the pain of my ego.

I've never felt lonliness in such raw form.

A realization we belong here, together experiencing connection. I'm missing my community.

Garnering more respect for anothers sensitivities at the same time developing me.

building, creating, sustaining...


small yet bright . .  . playful yet helpful . . .being more simple.
serving a collective. . .its greater than me.
move truth.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

An Ode to Community Spirit

Get rid of vanity
Take me back to my humanity
Expel gluttony and greed
Fill your soul with movement and loving creeds
Work for your own physicality
For the sake of health and light energy
Gather round community
and open up your hospitality.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Accomodating your stage instills patience.

Not ready to join in, I need more space to grow.

Outside relationships are defined by relationship with self.

Lifting chaos so I can slip into a life stream where it is safe to build.

Exhausted on hang-ups I had to adjust the view.

Transistion is a process and the gaps are obtrusive, they can even feel abusive.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Weight loss

And the mirror's aren't making us any prettier.

Learning to dance in the rain, life comes from within.

The echo of greed yells to the sky, it hushes the sound of poverty's cries.
The world is not balanced. How do we cope with that?
"We are inevitably part of the Gaian process of self-regulation, and as the transfer of power to our species proceeds, our responsibility for maintaining planetary homeostasis grows with it, whether we are conscious of that fact or not."
~Peter Marshall
The therapist told me I have shadows. This mess has been emotional.

You reject the parts of me that I reject about myself.
Be silent if you must, this is a time to trust.
Put weight on your strengths, they will work through your weaknesses.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Meeting place

We wouldn't be afraid of what we don't know if we got to know what we don't know.

Why are we depriving the world of our gifts?

And it's true the sweetest tastes come from thorny places.

Holding people accountable for their love; there are parts in everyone that must die.

Getting to know a higher self, I make some commitment to excellence.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Snooze Button

The snooze button: What am I suppressing from waking up?

My truth is quiet, my truth is kind of sleepy, my truth hasn't been seen for a while.

Emotionally processed yet my body stagnates.

Moving from some dream state into physical reality.

This is about cooperation, about how we make connection - points of fusion, social inclusion.

I was feeling so drawn in yet out of place.

Shadow side - lessen the duality, I'm not coming off how I want to.

Letting go of who I think I should be in order to be who I am.

Self-expression is a tender experience.